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The New Rules of Squash 2015WSF Logo Small

On 18 October 2014 the Annual General Meeting of the World Squash Federation approved a revised version of the Rules of Doubles Squash.


Since 12 of the 15 Rules are identical (or almost identical) to the Singles Rules squash players, referees and spectators will need to make very few adjustments. Only Rules 5 (The Serve), 8 (Interference) and 9 (Ball Hitting A Player) contain major differences from the Singles Rules. With regard to the principles of play, these Rules do not change the concepts already found in the current Rules. In fact, there is only one aspect that these revised Rules has attempted to clarify: the obligation of the outgoing striker or that striker's partner to make an effort to avoid interference if the ball is struck and returns close to one of them (Rule 8.10). For the rest, the language has been simplified in order to clarify the complications that arise when four players are on the court.


The Annual General Meeting also approved the addition of an Annexure to the Rules of Singles Squash; this to advise coaching limitations and to allow the use of player analysis technology.


Both the new Singles Appendix and the full Doubles Rules become effective on 1 January 2015 and can be found at


We hope that these revised Rules will help to promote the understanding of them and encourage the growth of squash.


Yours in Sport

N Ramachandran


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